


Fork of svelte-img for use in conjunction with Vercel optimized images.

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Render the bare minimum, minimally invasive, LQIP-included HTML code to represent responsive images, served in multiple widths and next-gen formats.
Also allow opting into using Vercel image optimization for the transformed image, instead of generating all permutations locally.


$ npm i -D @leoj3n/vercel-img

Add imagetools plugin into your vite.config.js:

import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import { sveltekit } from '@sveltejs/kit/vite'
import { imagetools } from '@leoj3n/vercel-img/vite'

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [sveltekit(), imagetools()]


Anywhere in your svelte app:

  import cat from '$lib/assets/cat.jpg?as=run'
  import Img from '@leoj3n/vercel-img'

<Img class="cool kitty" src={cat} alt="Very meow" />


If widths is passed to Img then a single img element will be generated, and it will have an srcset with matching widths linking to Vercel like /_vercel/image?url=...&w=480&q=100 480w (note that in dev mode the link will be to the local image for all widths as they may not exist on Vercel until deployed). You can additionally pass quality for Vercel to consume. Any image type variants will be ignored, and if there are size variants, the largest will be used. See Image Optimization with Vercel for more info about the URL syntax.

<Img src={hero} alt="cat" widths={PUBLIC_IMAGE_OPTIMIZATION_SIZES} />

Note: Inspect the above image to see srcset using /_vercel/image?url=.... Also check the document head and look for <link as="image" rel="preload" ... to see that this image is also preloaded using the same srcset values.

For Vercel image optimization to work, the widths passed in to Img must match what you have put in your vercel.json for sizes:

  "sizes": [480, 1024, 1920, 2560],
  "routes": [
      "src": "/immutable/.+",
      "headers": {
        "cache-control": "public, immutable, max-age=31536000"

Or sizes in svelte.config.js when using @sveltejs/adapter-vercel:

import adapter from '@sveltejs/adapter-vercel'
import { vitePreprocess } from '@sveltejs/vite-plugin-svelte'

/** @type {import('@sveltejs/kit').Config} */
const config = {
  preprocess: vitePreprocess(),
  kit: {
    adapter: adapter({
      images: {
        minimumCacheTTL: 300,
        formats: ['image/avif', 'image/webp'],
        sizes: process.env.PUBLIC_IMAGE_OPTIMIZATION_SIZES?.split(', ').map(x => +x) || [],
        domains: []
    alias: {
      $static: './static'

export default config

You can read more about the Vercel image value definitions.

Notice we are using an environment variable to get the allowed Vercel optimization sizes so we don't have to hard code the values and can update them in one place.

This variable is defined in .env like PUBLIC_IMAGE_OPTIMIZATION_SIZES="480, 1024, 1920, 2560". The Img component will split on any comma-space-separated string passed as widths in the same way as can be seen in the config above. You may also pass an array of numbers as widths which means instead of an environment variable you can create a file in lib such as ./src/lib/allowed-vercel-image-sizes.js that exports like so:

export default [480, 1024, 1920, 2560]

You can then import that in svelte.config.js:

import adapter from '@sveltejs/adapter-vercel'
import { vitePreprocess } from '@sveltejs/vite-plugin-svelte'
import allowedSizes from './src/lib/allowed-vercel-image-sizes'

/** @type {import('@sveltejs/kit').Config} */
const config = {
  preprocess: vitePreprocess(),
  kit: {
    adapter: adapter({
      images: {
        minimumCacheTTL: 300,
        formats: ['image/avif', 'image/webp'],
        sizes: allowedSizes,
        domains: []
    alias: {
      $static: './static'

export default config

As well as whenever you need to pass widths to the Img component to trigger Vercel optimized images:

  import hero from './assets/hero.jpg?tint=ffaa22&as=run'
  import allowedSizes from '$lib/allowed-vercel-image-sizes'


In this way we can generate a locally transformed image that will then be optimized and cached by Vercel on the edge. Don't forget to pass sizes to Img as well to help the browser know how big the image will be in your design once it loads. You might also want to set preload=true for your most important above-the-fold image. Also remember to leverage fetchpriority="high" for other important images, and loading="eager" for images you don't want loaded lazily (such as above-the-fold).


By default, the original image is transformed into 9 variants - 480/1024/1920 widths at avif/webp/jpg formats, with an inline base64 low-quality image placeholder (LQIP) background.


The LQIP is typically a 16px webp;base64 data URI at about ≈150 bytes.

cat lqip

It's not recommended, but you can apply a Gaussian blur backdrop-filter.

Not much difference, is there? The next image has a dominant colour placeholder instead.


Which looks like this.

You can also reveal images with fade-in special effects.


Or even apply parallax scrolling special effects.

The vercel-img component tries, as much as possible, to be a drop-in replacement for the native HTML <img> tag.

Side-effects are kept to a minimum, so things should still work even without JavaScript. Try it - disable JS on this page and refresh, and check out the Lighthouse score too.

The next example however does require JavaScript, because interactivity. It uses the Vite pattern for glob imports to load a local directory of images, like so:

const modules = import.meta.glob('$lib/assets/sm/*.jpg', {
  import: 'default',
  eager: true,
  query: { w: 640, h: 640, fit: 'cover', as: 'run' }

const images = Object.entries(modules).map((i) => i[1])